Oh how do I look forward to VMworld 2016!! Once more I’m able to visit both VMworld US in Las Vegas and VMworld EMEA in Barcelona. This year it’s not all about listening and peering though as I am presenting together with the one and only Frank Denneman!
Next to the fact that presenting at VMworld will be an awesome experience, it’ll also be good to already convey some thoughts & content from our upcoming book in our VMworld session!!
Our VMworld session
It is difficult to get a VMworld session accepted. If I remember correctly, there were 1550+ abstracts submitted and only 611 made it into the catalog. Setting up a good abstract is critical, so I figured it might help to share our submitted abstract. Still, I’m pretty sure even very good abstracts/sessions were rejected which is a shame. I sincerely hope we still get to see this content at your local VMUG or in a vBrownBag TechTalk at VMworld US or EMEA.
Our submitted abstract:
Session ID: 8430
Session Title: vSphere 6.x host resource deep dive
Session Type: Breakout Session
Track: Software-Defined Data Center
Presenting at: VMworld 2016 – Both
Abstract: Today’s focus is on upper levels/overlay’s (SDDC stack, NSX, Cloud) but proper host design and management still remains the foundation of success. With the introduction of these new ‘overlay’ services, we are presented with a new consumer of host resources.
Ironically it’s the attention to these abstraction layers that returns us to focusing on individual host components. Correct selection and configuration of these physical components leads to creating a stable high performing platform, that lays the foundation for the higher services and increased consolidating ratios.
This talk goes into details of physical host resource components, such as CPU (NUMA), memory configuration and next-gen storage components. It also zooms in on how virtual networking and storage services influence virtual machine configuration and physical host design.
Info provided in this talk allows you to get better grips on sizing your virtual datacenter for today’s high demand workloads, network overlays and next-gen storage services.
Session Outline: Topics we will address in this presentation are:
The introduction of NUMA (Non-Uniform Memory Access) required changes in memory management. Host physical memory is now split into local and remote memory structures for CPUs that can impact virtual machine performance. We will discuss how to rightsize your VMs CPU and memory configuration in regards to NUMA and vNUMA VMkernel CPU scheduler characteristics.
Processor speed and core counts are important factors when designing a new server platform. However with virtualization platforms the memory subsystem can have equal or sometimes even have a greater impact on application performance than the processor speed. In this talk we focus on physical memory configurations.
Providing consistent performance is key to predictable application behavior. It benefits day-to-day customer satisfaction and helps reduce application performance troubleshooting. This talk covers flash architecture and highlights the differences between the predominant types of local storage technologies.
We will look into the impact on physical resources these services have. What is the impact of virtual network services on consumption of host compute resources?
We look closer into recurring questions about virtual networking. For example, how many resources does the VMkernel claim for networking, what impact does a vNIC type has on resource consumption. Such info allows you to get better grips on sizing your virtual datacenter for NFV workloads.
Key takeaways:
- Identifying how proper NUMA and physical memory configuration allows for increased VM performance.
- What is the impact of virtual network services on consumption of host compute resources?
- How next-gen storage components lead to low latency, higher bandwidth and increased scalability.
I am especially interested in automation sessions along with NSX sessions. But there are tons of very good sessions / speakers out there! The VMworld schedule builder, which will allow you to reserve a seat in the sessions, will be live at the 19th of July. Do not wait till the last moment to do so, because sessions will get fully booked.
The evenings are all about good food, having fun with your peers and have a drink or two at the parties. I’m sure PernixData will trow a good party! The same goes for the vExpert, VMunderground and numerous other vendor parties. One would almost forget about the VMworld party. Maybe this year I actually will make it to the VMworld party.
To conclude…
Did I mention I’m looking forward to VMworld? It’s going to be a hectic August this year. Lots of stuff going on. But VMworld this year will be a good one! I’m sure fellow-bloggers Robert and Rutger will join in Barcelona!
For now, I can’t wait to meet all of you there!! I sure hope to see you at our session.