vSphere 6: mClock scheduler & reservations

“Storage IO Controls – New support for per Virtual Machine storage reservations to guarantee minimum service levels.” Is listed as one of the new features of vSphere 6.

The new mClock scheduler was introduced with vSphere 5.5 and as you might have guessed, it remains the default IO scheduler in vSphere 6 (don’t mind the typo in the description).


mClock advanced setting


Besides limits and shares, the scheduler now supports reservations. Let’s do a quick recap on resource management.

vSphere 6: New features!

vSphere 6: New features!

Updated:  As of today (12th of March 2015) vSphere 6 is downloadable! Login to the VMware portal in order to download the following newly released products:

  • vSphere 6
  • vSOM 6
  • vCloud Suite 6
  • SRM 6
  • VSAN 6
  • VMware Integrated OpenStack 1.0


Hear, hear!!!  VMware vSphere 6 is here! 🙂

After a period of extensive testing, including a ‘public’ beta test, VMware vSphere 6 is launched today (February the 2nd)!!!


It’s been a while since the last major version release as listed in the table below. vSphere 6 should provide the next step of innovation in server virtualization.

Version Release date
vSphere 6 12 march 2015
vSphere 5.5 22 sep 2013
vSphere 5.1 10 sep 2012
vSphere 5.0  24 aug 2011
vSphere 4.1  13 jul 2010

New features

Check all the new features listed (as found on the VMware website) below:

VCP-NV exam experience

VCP-NV exam experience

Ending the year on a high!! Today Rutger and I passed the VMware Certificed Professional – Network Virtualization (VCP-NV) exam!! Robert will surely follow soon. 🙂
We had a rather small time frame to successfully pass VCP-NV because as of January 2015 we want full focus on VCDX-DCV. So it had to happen in 2014.

Although we didn’t have a great deal of hands-on experience (yet) with VMware NSX, we were able to pass the exam after a steep learning curve following our NSX deepdive session at VMware along with some really good documentation and blogposts on the matter… not to mention the VMware’s HOL labs!


VMworld 2014 EMEA recap

It’s been a week since VMworld 2014 EMEA kicked off. We had a blast at VMworld; Attended some very good sessions, met up with some good people, drank too much at parties, had fun!!
Most of all it became clear that visiting VMworld is a no-brainer, a must-visit! A word of thanks to our ‘sponsors’; YaWorks provided me (Niels Hagoort) with the opportunity to attend VMworld, Valid did the same for Robert Verdam.

Having said that, the EMEA version did disappoint a little bit on the major announcements… The most significant announcements in our humble opinion were:

  • EVO:RAIL partners extended; Hitachi and HP also delivering an EVO appliance.
  • EVO:RAIL will include vCloud Air – Disaster Recovery Service
  • VMware partners with Palo Alto to deliver VM-1000-HV for NSX.
  • CloudVolumes will be adopted as VMware App Volumes.
  • VMware vCloud Air will also be served from a Germany based DC for European customers.
  • VMware vRealize Suite introductions

But that is all on the ‘negative’ side. We like to share some of our experiences on VMworld 2014 EMEA in this post. Please don’t mind the bad quality photos included… I/We suck at taking photos. 🙂