In June of this year, Frank and I published the vSphere 6.5 Host Resources Deep Dive, and the community was buzzing. Twitter exploded, and many community members provided rave reviews.
This excitement caught Rubriks attention, and they decided to support the community by giving away 2000 free copies of the printed version at VMworld. The interest was overwhelming, before the end of the second signing session in Barcelona we ran out of books.
A lot of people reached out to Rubrik and us to find out if they could get a free book as well. This gave us an idea, and we sat down with Rubrik and the VMUG organization to determine how to cater the community.
We are proud to announce that you can download the e-book version (PDF only) for free at Just sign up and download your full e-book copy here.
Spread the word! And if you like, thank @Rubrik and @myVMUG for their efforts to help the VMware community advance.
A quick impression of the buzz at the Rubrik booth at VMworld: